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Hot tips for summer in Cairns

Hot tips for summer in Cairns

In Summer, Cairns folks make a few life adjustments for the rain and the humidity.

When you live in Cairns, you acclimatise as the weather changes, but there are usually a few weeks of the year when the heat can get oppressive - usually around December or January.

The biggest challenges associated with a tropical summer are the wet season rains, high humidity, the wildlife, and making sure your household is prepared for cyclone risks.

Here are a few ‘solution-focused’ tips from locals for managing a some of the more difficult aspects of a tropical summer in Cairns.

Wet seasons rains - what to do?

Getting drenched by an unpredictable warm downpour of rain in January is pretty common in Cairns but, on the upside, you do dry quickly. You can usually pick a local on a rainy day as they are the ones walking or strolling casually through the rain, not running for shelter! Umbrellas are optional; mostly, people keep on doing what they are doing - knowing they'll dry quickly

Until you get used to it too, here are some tips for the Cairns rainy days.

Living with the humidity

The best thing to do on those hot and steamy days in Cairns between December and February (if you're not in an air-conditioned office) is to find a cool natural swimming hole or waterfall. There are dozens of places around Cairns to cool down, many of which are just a short drive or walk away.

  • The extra rainfall turns the landscape a luscious green, providing welcome cool comfort. Wait for a break in the weather and explore the many beautiful swimming holes such as Babinda BouldersCrystal Cascades, Stoney Creek, or some of the beautiful waterfalls in near Cairns.
  • You might need to alter your exercise regime – change the time or location; opt for early mornings, late evenings to stay active, and choose the air-conditioned gym, pool or a shady rainforest track to raise your heart rate.
  • Cold climate cities have heating built into their buildings; Cairns homes and workplaces are set up for summer cooling. Air conditioners are pretty common! Around September, make air conditioner maintenance a high priority in your car and home. Clean those filters.
  • There is an added degree of difficulty in drying the washing in the humidity. Top tip: bring it inside or invest in a dryer.

Be prepared for cyclones

Active summer wildlife – mosquitoes, tiny birds and marine stingers

  • Get the ‘burning ring of fire’ going, aka mozzie coils, around the perimeter and upend anything in the yard that holds water; this is where mozzies breed.
  • Avoid marine stingers by staying inside the beach nets and wearing a full-body stinger suit for a beach swim ... or you could go to the pool or a freshwater stream instead.
  • Make your house a welcoming place for the beautifully-colourful sunbirds. Tiny bright yellow sunbirds that are common in Cairns like to build their nests close to homes as protection from predators. If you hang pieces of string or rope around your house or verandah, you might be lucky enough to attract a sunbird. The little birds start looking for a place to nest around September and October, then use spider web and found things to build around the string. By the summer months, you'll have babies!