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Prescription for success

Meet Maggie - a medical student training at Cairns Hospital. Maggie lives down the road from the hospital and walks to work everyday. She enjoys the broad experience that comes with working in a regional location.

“Cairns has been a great place to do my final years of training.”

"Knowing that I've always wanted to do something in the healthcare sector. Started my time in Townsville, first year medical student. Now as a six year I'm in Cairns and have been for the last three years and absolutely loving it.

I feel like I've gotten a really broad and in-depth picture of a lot of different areas. We do time in ED. We do time out in a lot of rural locations. The Cairns Hospital's a great training location.

“You don't often find anyone that's unhappy living in Cairns.”

“I live a block away from the hospital. It takes me 10 minutes to walk there, 10 minutes to walk down to the Esplanade, 10 minutes to go and pick up my family from the airport. So on Sunday I competed in the Half Ironman. I knew someone at least every 15 to 20 meters, whether that was people from the hospital, whether that was friends in medicine. My family also came up for it. Yeah, it was a really special day.

“Growing up in North Queensland, it's been so special to continue to study and work in Far North Queensland."

"So it's a really exciting time to be starting or continuing your medicine journey in Cairns. JCU is now starting its first year cohort in Cairns, so now you can complete all of your six years of medicine in the Far North, which is such an exciting thing.